I just came from listening to yet another wonderful lesson from Kelly Matthews, a speaker for JOY Bible study in the St. Louis area. She always challenges women of all ages and walks of life as we pray to discover God's will for us.
Today she shared the image of a work of art unveiled not too long ago in Chesterfield, Missouri,called "The Awakening." Kelly was present when the unveiling occurred and talked about the mixed reactions of people gathered around the statue.
"What in the world? Why did we spend good taxpayer money on this?"
"Is he being pushed into the ground or being lifted out?"
"Is this a spiritual comment?"
I personally enjoy the work because I see it in context of truly awakening this year spiritually. God is doing so much in my walk with Him. I am so very grateful.
Much like the picture though, my own awakening isn't pretty. My face may have shown anger at times, grief, sadness, confusion, and even surprise. My hands, unlike the picture, were often clenched and my heart closed.
-But thank God for His patience as He pulls me out of the strongholds of life to new life with Him, to a new perspective.
Thanks, Kelly, for sharing God's Word with so many women this morning.
Thank you, God, for desiring me so much that you patiently tug and tug at my heart for An Awakening.
What about you? Is your spirit awake today or are you going through the motions? Have some quiet time with Him no matter how busy your schedule, won't you? He waits to awaken your soul and commune with you today.
For His glory,
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