She kept calling and leaving me messages, but I really didn't want to hear what I knew the news was going to be. My friend is moving to Texas. (Stop cheering, you Texas fans.)
Her daughter was my daughter's first good friend at school. They met in a preschool camp and immediately clicked.
Being the oldest Mom in my daughter's school it was nice to meet someone NOT in her 20's who was still working part-time and trying to keep up with her toddler son and daughter. We shared a lot over the past four years.
I knew though from her stories that she was a Texas girl at heart and missed living in Texas especially during the many St. Louis ice storms.
So it was hard when she asked for prayer to help her make the right decision on whether or not to move and take a great job offer. She was so excited.
I kept thinking how I need to be happy for her. How oblivious she seems to be to my daughter's hurt and my own feeling of loss.
But that is the way it is, isn't it? People come and go. Life changes. Nothing stays the same. It even seems to get worse as I age.
Or perhaps it is that because I age, I long even more for things to remain the same?
My daughter loves to play the game of LIFE lately. I notice there are no cards or spaces that say, "Your friend is moving away. Go home and sulk." No advice cards either.
So, my friend is moving away. I pretend to be happy. I am glad she has a great new life ahead, but I have to hide my own mourning or at least sense of loss.
Some of you reading this understand. Others won't.
I am thankful God understands more than anyone, though. Jesus knew what it was like to lose friends. He also understood the fickleness of human emotion. Loyalty came and went for him. His best friends left him alone to suffer death.
I know. My friend leaving is no where as dire as what Jesus experienced, but the fact that He experienced it means He understands my little space of grief.
Even if my friend does not.
May You rest in the knowledge that God understands your reaction to Life Changes.
-And as Life does change, we all rest in the understanding that He is Constant and our Rock amid small and large disappointments.
For His Glory,
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