Before you think I'm crazy, or at least before you confirm it, give me a chance to explain the title.
The morning I time traveled. I reached for an object on my desk, and it reminded me of a similar object on my parents' table back in my hometown in Illinois. It was a simple magnifying glass.
As I reached for it, I saw every detail on that bay window table: My dad's bright yellow plastic coin purse, you know the ones where you squeeze the ends for the slit to open and reveal your change? -His brass magnifying glass to see read the paper or mail as he lost his eyesight later in life. The ivory letter opener with the handle shaped like a fish given to him by missionary friends.
Then I remembered the backyard parties on the 4th of July. In the humid July weather, numerous friends would pack into their tiny yard. As a child, I remember thinking that yard was huge and how we had a yellow, plastic slippy slide that rivaled any water park in our minds (of course it was long before water parks). The garden hose kept the plastic strip slippery as we ran and flopped on our bellies sliding and laughing all the way to the end. Do they still make slippy slides?
I remember Mom and Dad marching around the yard carrying a flag and trumpet and asking all guests to sing patriotic songs and march with them. The night ended at our hometown park where it seemed all 10,000 community members gathered on blankets to oooo and ahhh at the spectacular fireworks.
No recorded or timed music used back then. Our ooos and ahhs were the only music needed to accompany the pop and pow of explosions.
All of those images happened in 10 seconds, if that long. I was there, in their house, in my childhood home. -And all I did was reach for a magnifying glass.
And I must tell you, grief overwhelmed me. I almost didn't make it out the door to church.
I miss my family.
I know. I have a new family. I know my parents are in heaven.
Yet, I miss them. I long to hear their voices.
I was fearful to tell anyone this because the 4th is after all, a joyous time. Backyard BBQs, fireworks, festivals, smiling faces, good food.... but I did share it with my sister-in-law.
Thankfully, instead of scolding me, she said it was natural to think of past times on holidays. It happens to her on holidays, too, but she pushes forward by thinking of the future, of where her loved ones are now.
So, while I say, "Happy 4th" to you, and I join you in prayers for our country and thankfulness for our freedom, I also join with anyone who has recently time traveled as you remember celebrations with loved ones in your past who are not here with you now.
I know in my future God has prepared a place where memories will not bring sadness and where time will be no more.
Thanks for letting me share my travels today with you, Dear Reader.
For His Glory,
I have memories of our families together on one of our vacations back in Herrin. Rebecca was real little and afraid of all the noise. What was so cute was that she kept asking "What's so funny?"She didn't get the celebrating and loud squeals! But yes this holiday causes me pain with memories of years with my mom and brother. Terry was born on my mom's birthday, July 6th. Many happy days with them and then with just Terry remaining and now they are together and I'm here with sadness. But like u I am thankful for what God has given me and know my mom and brother are in God's presence! BBQ food to share with my dad and Lucine and keeping our cool tomorrow will be what I look for this 4th knowing All good things come from above!