I admit I haven't been there in quite a while.
I am relieved I usually ordered chicken when I did visit.
How disappointing to see the news today reporting that this fast-food place had not met the minimum standards for selling "beef" in its food items.
My husband shared the news report with me tonight as he told me the high percentage of "filler" that had been added to the "beef" items.
Filler? Oh, my! My mind did not want to go there.
Then I thought, now I have a new metaphor for my spiritual walk with God. While somewhat humorous, it can ring (pun intended) true in my life. How often have I had spirtual fillers as I go through my day?
Some examples of spiritual fillers in my life incude praying the same words every morning as I drive my daughter to school so that my original prayer sounds more like a memorized-lay-me-down-to-sleep rote prayer from my childhood days.
How about when I am reading my Bible in the morning, and I find myself adding to my things-to-do-list next to the Bible as I let my mind wander to daily chores? When I think on what I read in the Word five minutes ago, I can not recall. Then I wonder why God did not speak to me that morning?
When someone asks for prayer or shares a concern, and I quickly reply, "I'll pray for you," only to find a day or week has gone by when I did not do so.
The list could go on unfortunately.
I don't think I am alone though in easily losing my genuineness with God or my vulnerability with Him.
What spirtual fillers can you add to your list?
Join me, won't you in avoiding the Taco Bell Christian walk today? (And, yes, I hope that made you smile a little)
For His Glory,
;-) It did, Gretchen!
ReplyDeleteI KNEW their beef didn't taste like mine when I make tacos... hmmm. Fillers. Yep, I don't want to go there either!
But, I can relate to writing a list of things to do while reading the Bible then realizing I didn't connect with a thing I read... Nope, you're not alone. My mind is great at wandering from my quiet times with God. But, sometimes, my wanderings take me to an even deeper place with God... sometimes. When I don't let the fillers, the questionable extras, get in the way.
Bless you, Gretchen. Sleep tight...