Yep, I saw them, too!
Valentine's Day cards at the check-out counter at my local book store!
But I'm o.k. with that.
I like moving to another holiday instead of focusing on the bleak January winter days.
I also like chocolate.
I like thinking about love.
Today, God seem to have me focus on His love as I read His Word this morning.
See if you agree.
I read the passages in Isaiah 40-45. Over and over God points how great is His power, how there just is NO OTHER GOD out there, how He created everything, how amazing He is in knowledge, and how...
...very much He wants us to know He loves us. "Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you" (Isaiah 45:4).
"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me for I have redeemed you" (Isaiah 44:22).
"...he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel; Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name;
YOU ARE MINE" (Isaiah 43:1).
Those are just three of so very many verses about how the Creator of the universe who with His own hands stretched out the heavens, loves us and wants us in relationship with Him.
I really like the YOU ARE MINE passage, don't you? I remember dreading Valentine's Day as a child. In our school we had contests for making the most unique or most beautiful Valentine box. In the afternoon we stuffed each other's mailboxes with Valentines. In those days there was no rule that a child HAD to bring Valentines for everyone. Also, some of the Valentines (always from boys) could be quiet cruel as they contained jokes at the reader's expense.
I did receive Valentines but nothing special from anyone special. I related to Charlie Brown who waited or longed for THE Valentine from THE Person.
Today, though, I got it. I realized how lonely God must have felt after creating so many amazing things. How much He wanted someone with whom to share it all. Someone to talk to and laugh with and love.
"YOU ARE MINE," He says to me, to you. It is like those candy hearts that taste so chalky but you can't stop eating. They have those messages stamped on them, "BE MINE" "CUTIE PIE."
I feel today like I got a big candy heart from God, "YOU ARE MINE."
I like that.
No, today I don't mind seeing the Valentines by the cash registers at my local stores because they remind me of an ultimate love, one that knows no season.
I hope you know that love today. If not, let me know. We'll pray together, text, talk, blog. God's love is not limited to just me, even though He makes me feel special, knows my name, and makes me feel like He loves me best. I know He loves you best, too. Enjoy His love today.
And look at a Valentine Card while you wait at the check out.
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