March is an interesting month, isn't it? St. Louis has two St. Patrick's Day Parades, one on the weekend and the real one in Dogtown (yes, Dogtown, a small suburb of St. Louis). Chicago even turns its river green for the occassion.
Daylight Savings time, the first day of spring, spring breaks, and of course, the Ides of March also occur this month. In high school Latin class (in the old days, they taught Latin in school), we made much of going around saying, "Beware the Ides of March are upon you!" or "Et tu, Brute?"
Today, as I shared the Julius Ceasar story with my 9-yr. old, she was amazed how Julius Ceasar ignored all the warning signs and opportunities to save himself (according to the Shakespeare version, of course).
Yet, this morning, I wonder about my own warnings God has given me. He has clearly asked me to seek Him first, yet as I start my new part-time job, I admit, I have not been in His Word as often or even FIRST thing in the morning as usual. I do not want to slip back into old patterns of making God second in my life, or giving him less of my time. He has been so patient with me this past year. He is so good. He is so loving. I do not want to fail Him in this area.
Join me today, on the Ides of March, won't you, in reflecting on our own walk with Jesus and what warnings He has put in place for us to follow, for our own good, and not for evil.
For His glory,
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