Wow! It is so great to be back!
I can not tell you how much I realize I depend upon my computer until it is gone!
Here I was researching lesson ideas from a teacher website last Saturday night, and my computer shut down with a virus attack.
For the price of another computer and a 5-day wait, I am now able to have my "stuff" restored.
Ironically, guess what I was studying at the time in God's Word?
"Peace is his whose mind is stayed on Thee."
I was reading all about how important it is NOT to worry and to be anxious. I was feeling pretty sure of myself in this area. I had truly bathed in the Scriptures daily for the past several months. I talked to God. I sang to God. I felt like I had this "worry thing" under control.
BAM! "Your computer is being attacked. Someone is tring to find your identity. Shut it down now."
Do you think those words put fear in my heart? When I could not even turn it on without the virus popping up, I really had to pray, pray, pray. I prayed for God's protection, for safety for my family, for even healing of the computer (I mean He can do anything, right? Right!).
I then realized how prone to fear and worry I still was, no, AM. There was this stronghold, as Beth Moore would say, staring right at me. It was so ugly, too!
I prayed all night, every time my computer came to my mind. I read the Bible.
The next day, my study was all about the importance of giving THANKS in ALL things. Augh.
So I thanked God for taking away my ability to blog, see how others are doing on facebook, check e-mails, research more ideas, connect via technology.
On top of it all, my allergies started. For those of you without allergies, say thanks right now. It is like having strep throat for 8 long weeks. Every cold snap just prolongs the pollen reaction, too.
I felt like I was being hit by a virus in body as well. My allergy medications no longer seemed to work, and a visit to the doctor was required.
Again, each morning, I searched for ways to tell God thanks for the allergies. I thought, what if this is the way I am all the time, the rest of my life? Constant runny nose, chapped lips, raw throat, stuffy head, pounding temples, dry eyes....then I told God, OK. If that is the case, then I know He will help me through it and do my best for Him, somehow, some way.
So, here I am....sniff...sniff...cough...cough. Virus free though.
Praise God for revealing to me yet another area of life to give to Him as He prepares me for my continual walk with Him.
Praise God for spring with all its pollen because it is a reminder of hope of new life and beauty, even after the pollen has settled.
Praise God for you, Dear Reader. You are shining His light as you patiently read this little devotional.
May His peace be yours today as you fix your mind on Him,
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