I took this picture of my daughter after she swore she wasn't tired or sleepy. After a full day of summer fun, running, chasing fireflies, playing tag, she fell deeply asleep as soon as her head hit that pillow. Such peace! Such deep rest!
I need that peace today. Perhaps you do, too? Or perhaps you have been in a rough place before today and can share God's grace.
Today is a tough day to "blog."
My sweet sister-in-law, Tabby, received bad news about agressive cancer.
She is also my dear friend.
How do I try to write something clever or witty or cute today?
I can't.
I don't.
So I ask Dear Readers for your help. Tabby is a follower of Jesus. She has had two surgeries for cancer to be removed from her body in the past two years. The cancer is back and growing.
Today she starts chemo.
My mind wants to panic and go to the worst-case scenarios. I can not bear to lose this dear sister in Christ.
So I turn to my Father. What does He say about my fears, about her disease? My God reminds me to rest in Him. His grace is sufficient. He is in control. He tells me NOT to have anxiety but by prayer and supplication make my requests known to Him and peace will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Will you pray with me then? Pray for Tabby's healing and God's peace upon her and her entire family over the next crucial six weeks?
Anyone else in God's Waiting Room for cancer or healing of a disease? Share so I can pray for you, too.
Let's rest in Christ like my sweet daughter in the above picture. Such peace on her face...
God's Peace awaits you and me as well...
How wonderful that I just found your blog! It was listed for me on Facebook. I have a blog about waiting on healing from cancer www.sharonlaizure.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI wiil be praying for Tabby.