"Mom, when are you going to tell me a story?"
"Dad, you owe me a story!"
These are common sentences heard from my 9-yr. old daughter daily.
My daughter loves for us to make up stories with her.
My husband is a master at creating stories with dragons and magic and of course with my daughter as one of the main heroines. His stories can take weeks to complete. Each night he will share one more episode with her as they tap their imaginations together.
After doing this for four years since we brought her home from China, I have to admit, my creativity has run dry. My stories lacked the imagination of my husband and grew repetitive.
I enjoy eavesdropping on my husband's stories each night though. After prayers and good-night kises, I leave the room while the two of them weave magical stories together.
I do love a good story. Don't you?
This morning, I listened to Pastor Adrian Rogers share how we are part of a greater story for God. It really hit me. What is my story going to be for God?
The pastor shared a clip from one of my favorite cartoon strips growing up, Peanuts, or Charlie Brown. In that clip Linus is begging Lucy, much like my daughter, for a story. Frustrated, Lucy finally says, "O.K. A man was born, lived, and died. The End."
Is that my story? Oh, I hope not! I want to make a difference for Jesus! I pray He uses me for His glory today!
My mother's story could be deemed as tragic to many who do not know her or God. As she neared the age of 60, after her children were all grown and married, she was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Instead of relaxing and enjoying retirement, she fought the most horrific battle of her life. For almost thirty years, my mother fought to walk, talk, eat, and communicate.
Yet, her story did not stop there. She made a decision that this story would be for the glory of God. She pointed to Jesus and praised Him throughout her struggle. As a result, others were drawn to know Christ. Others were encouraged not to give up their own faith.
Hers was an amazing story of victory through vulnerability!
What is your story today? Does it point to an ultimate happy ending with Jesus?
I pray it does. I pray mine own does as well.
Once upon a time.... It is up to you to fill in the rest of the story, and I hope it is with the Supreme Author of all creation, Jesus.
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