Today's blog could have been about several things. No, not because it was a terribly exciting day.
It was just a day, I seem to see everything as related to God's design and purpose.
Have you had a day like that? When the little things you do seem to speak about God's plan?
It seems to be happening to me more and more lately.
It is certainly not because I am some kind of saint, either.
I think it is because I am reading His Word daily and talking to Him more.
Like today, for instance.
This morning I opened my door to strangers.
Yep, strangers. I put a sign in the yard, "PRAYER AND SHARE TUESDAY 9:30."
I opened the door seeing who might come.
God put this bizarre act on my heart back in June. I really did not want to do this.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I am a PLAN-AHEAD-PREPARE-IN-ADVANCE kind of gal. I like to know who is coming into my home and for how long so I can prepare the right amount of food and coffee.
I like to pretend I'm in control.
When God put this image of a sign in my yard and an open invitation to my neighborhood, people who live more than five blocks away, I was terrified.
I thought, "What if no one comes?"
Then I thought, "Well, that would be better than a bunch of strangers coming!"
So I put the yard sign out and waited.
Just as I was about to give up and close the front door, one woman came walking up the sidewalk and to my driveway.
Then another.
And another...
Each Tuesday morning during the summer my kitchen table was surrounded by five to seven beautiful sisters in Christ.
I have heard amazing testimonies.
I have listened to courageous prayers.
I have been touched.
At first, I pictured God was having me do this for the neighborhood.
Now I realize, it has been more for me.
When August came, I stopped the study as ladies and I went to fall Bible studies and other obligations.
During November and December, though, the sign went back out in the yard during the study breaks.
This morning, as I prepared the kitchen table, I wondered if anyone would show up. After all, it is only two days before Thanksgiving. I told God to bring whoever He wanted, and if no one, I still submit to His will.
It was a blessing to meet two new neighbors this morning. One had read my devotional book as she cared for her aging mother. Her mother passed away just a few short weeks ago. We talked about caregiving, loving our mothers, and concluded that her mother, who loved to sing, was doing so as my own mother played the piano for her in heaven.
The six of us had a good prayer, read Scripture, and shared stories as we faced the holiday season.
Once again, God blessed me by letting me meet His daughters and hear their miraculous journies with Him.
How about you? What risks are you taking for Jesus this day?
Like me, you might be intimidated, fearful, or just too stressed.
Yet, like me, I assure you, God will bless you as you submit to His will in whatever He places on your heart and mind.
Blessings today on you as you take risks for Jesus.
Gretchen, that was beautiful! You are very braved to allow God to use you in such a way. I know He just is waiting for us to trust Him enough to move out of our comfort zones.