Today's blog is a celebration and a thanksgiving to God for good news! My sister-in-law, Tabby, received the wonderful news that the cancer in her abdomen is GONE! GONE GONE GONE GONE GONE! In October, Tabby had part of her colon removed only to discover numerous cancer tumors like granuals that could not be operated on remained as well as one larger one on her liver. After months of a difficult journey and radiation, she has received this amazing good news!
I share this not to brag or gloat about Tabby, although I must confess her reaction to this journey has been a witness to me. She has chosen to praise God throughout and lift Him up no matter what the outcome or impact on her life. Many have been touched by her act of faith and her focus on Scripture.
I share this for another reason. It is like the story of the elderly couple. They were sitting on their porch one day and the husband looked at his wife of forty-eight years, just beginning to realize what great partner and help she had been to him for so many years. He turned to her and said, "Wife, you've been such a wonderful woman that there are times I can hardly keep from telling you" (Moss, 97)!
I do not want to be like that man. I do not want to hold back on my thanks and praise to God for His miraculous healing of Tabby! I do not want to be like the lepers where ten were healed by Jesus in the Bible and only one returned to give thanks. I want to shout this good news to all!
Thank you, God! Thank you, God! Your mercy endureth forever!
Now, I will talk to those of you who have not received healing or those who know of someone who received a "No" or "Not now" from God. My mother was never healed from Parkinson's disease even though we prayed daily for this and did so for almost thirty years. She had amazing faith, like Tabby. She focused on the Scriptures, too. In addition, my daughter was diagnosed at 4-yrs old with auditory processing disorder which means she hears people as though they are under water. I have asked for God to heal her. So far, He has not. I have bad eyesight. I have asked God to heal me so I can read and see my daughter's face and not struggle to drive at night. God has not healed me.
Could God have healed my mother? YES! Could He heal my daughter? YES! Could He heal my eyes? YES!
Why God says, "Yes," to some and "No," to others, I do not understand. What I do know is that God has a plan and asks that we trust Him through the "Yes's" as well as the "No's" no matter how hard or confusing it is.
Give thanks in all things.... Not easy to do, Dear Reader. Yet, it is not a request from God. It is His expectation.
Today, though, it IS easy. Today, I give thanks and shout it to all who will hear. Thank you, God, for healing Tabby. The picture above is Tabby's reaction in the doctor's office when she heard the news. My brother said he felt like David in dancing before the Lord.
Join me in reading Psalm 145 even if you have not had your healing yet. Let your heart focus on God's mercy in providing salvation and eternal life even when we didn't deserve any of it. Join me in telling God how thankful we are for His love.
"Our generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts....They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness....your saints shall bless you!"
Do YOU have a blessing to share? Feel free to post it on this blog. Others, like I, will be encouraged and God will feel so pleased to have a thank-you-shout-out.
For His glory,
Thank you, Gretchen for this great news. As someone who has cancer, I appreciate all you wrote. I have friends who act like God will, of course, heal me. I don't assume that, but I do claim that He will bless me with a full life right up until my last days. I have prayed a Hezekiah prayer and asked for 15 years to be added to my life. I feel more certain that God is granting that request than the one for healing. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteSo Happy for Tabby and I'm praying and praising God also!