I love old books.
Because of this, I will probably be the last person on earth to buy a NOOK or e-book device.
Sad, isn't it?
I just like holding a book.
I even like smelling the pages.
For old books, I like it even better if someone has written a note or inscription to a loved one.
"For Will, have a happy birthday."
"From your loving parents..."
Knowing someone else has handled the worn pages and enjoyed the story or poem as much as I perhaps, just adds to my deep satisfaction in reading.
Today then was a surprising article you have read I am sure.
A man walks in to tell a book appraiser that he has a very old book.
Hearing this so many times, the man sighs as he watches the plastic unwrap around the worn-out paper.
To his surprise, a 500-year old rare book is resting before him. A rare book.
Yet, as I read the article, I was confused by his quote when discussing its value. The book, although 500-years old, and a wonderful piece of human history wasn't very valuable.
Its condition was not pristine. Unlike one that turned up in San Franscico in mint condition selling for a million dollars, this one had a few pages missing and a spine falling apart. Hence, it was only worth $50,000.
The appraiser said that there are several similar books like this one around the world, but it was unusual to see it turn up in Utah. He said, "There is nothing as common as a rare book."
Hmmmmm. Holding or touching one of the first printed books in human history, knowing its historical impact on civilization did not increase its value. Its value rested in its current condition.
I wonder what my current condition is for Jesus? What I may have done in the past for Him really is not what matters, is it? It is my current work, my current state that concerns Him.
Am I lukewarm? Hot? Cold? He says He would rather I be hot or cold than lukewarm. He can not use me as a lukewarm Christian. Do I spend more time watching television, reading the newspaper, old books rather than the Bible? Have I settled in my faith for being lukewarm?
I pray not. I know God seems me as a rare book whose story includes being rescued by a loving King, Jesus. I just hope my soul's current condition doesn't diminish my value in working for Him here on earth.
How about you? You are a rare book, too. No other story matches yours.
How's your rare book condition? Is it common? lukewarm? or in pristine condition as you tell the story of Jesus to all who will hear?
For His Glory,
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