Monday, August 22, 2011

Washing Windows: Part II

Last time I shared how it seemed like I kept feeling a need to clean windows and the house because August has been such a dusty, dry month in our St. Louis area.

I think of all the household chores, washing windows is my least favorite one. Which one is yours?

The reason it irritates me so much is because I never seem to be able to get that spotless look I see on t.v.

Sorry Windex and other name-brand cleaners. You don't work.

The closest I come to sparkle is when I use vinegar and water and newspapers. Yep, newspapers.

Even after washing windows, the sun will hit the window in a different angle, and I will see a streak I left or a blue film from the cleaning fluid. Back I go to scrub again.

While I was battling the sun rays and spots on my windows, I was thinking about the kingship and life of David.

I always marvel, don't you, that God considered David a man after His own heart?

I like David. I love his poetry, his failures, his bravery, and his desire to do right.

Like my windows, though, David really struggled with dirt, or sin. He would soar with God, fight giants and soldiers and kings, then fall and commit adultery and murder.

He could not hide his blemishes. They were always there when the Son shone on his life, each time at a different angle, exposing what David thought he could hide.

What is so wonderful about David is his continued return to God, his true repentance and acknowlegment of God's sovereignty.

When confronted by the prophet over his sin, David did not make excuses. He responded by saying, "I have sinned against God." He then quickly made offerings of sacrifice and accepted God's forgiveness and punishment.

It is not a children's story. It is our story.

God loves us and will not allow us to hide our sins. Ever since Adam and Eve, God has been in the exposing sin business.

Ever since creation, He has also been in the forgiving business.

Next time, you struggle like I do with your window washing, remember how much God wants to shine through your own life, if He is allowed to do so. Remember how we are not able to clean up our own sin and mess; only Jesus can do that.

Praise God for His mercy and cleansing love!

Now, back to the vinegar and water.

Anyone, got a newspaper?

For His Glory...

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