Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Invisible Bridge!

Today I was reading a Scripture from Psalm 40:4. In doing so, I thought back to one of my favorite movie series durig my 20's, INDIANA JONES.

One particular scene illustrates what you and I do daily, and how important it is as we move forward to keep doing. The first step is the hardest, though, isn't it? Like Indiana Jones, he had to step out on that invisible bridge, but once he did, each step became easier and easier.

I think that is the way for us, too, don't you? Trusting the first time is so hard. Yet with each experience of stepping in faith, our faith grows stronger and stronger because our relationship with God deepens. The eyes of our spirit open as we see God working in our lives and the lives of others.

That is why I love hearing about answers to prayer or even how people are still holding on when God says, "No" or "Not now."

Yesterday, my spirit soared upon hearing about Debbie, Becky, and my sister, Rebecca, having good news. In addition, my headaches lessened as well! While still there, the pain has not been as blinding, literally.

"How happy is the man (or woman) who puts his (or her) trust in the Lord and has not turned to the proud or to those who run after lies!"

Beth Moore writes, "Trusting in the invisible God does not come naturally for us. A trust relationship grows only by stepping out in faith and making the choice to trust.The ability to believe God develops most often through pure experiece."

Trust and Obey...for there's no other be happy in Jesus...than to trust and obey (Methodist hymn).

How's your trust today? Here is praying you take those important first steps as God holds your hand and opens your spiritual eyes to His bridge of faith.

For His Glory,

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